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Employee Wellness Newsletter
September 2019: Healthy Aging

"Prevention is better than cure." - Erasmus, Desiderius

What steps are you taking to age well? We all want to live longer and stay healthy enough to continue doing the things we love. Research suggests that how well you age depends on you and what you do. Fortunately, it is never too late to make healthy habit changes that can help you live a longer and healthier life. Utilize these tips and resources below to stay healthy and live life to the fullest!

Healthy Habits for Healthy Aging:

  • Live an Active Life - 30 minutes of exercise daily -cardio, strength and stretching - may prevent or provide relief from common conditions such as: heart disease, diabetes, depression, arthritis and more.
  • Eat the Rainbow - eat nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain foods.
  • Maintain Your Brain - never stop learning and challenging your mind; take dance lessons, learn a new language, and reading a book are great examples.
  • Cultivate Your Relationships - maintain communication with friends and family, especially after a significant loss or life change.
  • Sleep Well - lack of sleep can cause depression, increased fall risk, irritability and memory problems; older adults need as much as 7-9 hours per night.
  • Reduce Stress - try relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation; talk to a loved one or a counselor about your stress; remember to always keep things in perspective - try to accept and adapt to things you cannot control – and SMILE!
  • Stop Smoking - tobacco kills and harms almost every organ in your body; your body begins to heal within 20 minutes of your last cigarette. After a year your odds of heart disease drop by half. Ask your doctor for help!
  • Practice Prevention - many health conditions and accidents are preventable; see your healthcare professional(s) regularly to keep up-to-date on preventive care such as annual wellness screening, recommended age/gender screenings and the flu shot.

Eat Well | Live Well | Be Well

In good health,

Kayla Roeske CHES, CWWS
Wellness Director
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Did you miss the August edition? It can be viewed here.


About the Monthly Wellness Newsletter

The everyday choices we make can help us live healthier, happier and more fulfilling lives. The CGO Employee Wellness Newsletter provides monthly resources and education on a variety of topics like nutrition, exercise, emotional health and resilience, prevention and more. Our hope is that this information empowers you to incorporate sustainable healthy habits for a lifetime of good health and well-being!

Always consult with your physician before beginning any wellness program. This general information is not intended to replace your healthcare professional.  

Sources: Zywave, Health in Aging Foundation, World Health Organization, CDC