Medical insurance carriers tout the fact that they have 90-99% of all doctors and hospitals in their network. Why? Because employees that use in-network providers pay less out of their pockets and when that happens employees are happier, and happier employees is a message that sells.
Just slap a Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Aetna or "Name That Carrier" PPO logo on the medical ID card and your employee has a 90-99% chance of paying the in-network deductible instead of the out-of-network deductible.
To your employees, it's a comfort blanket. But guess who has to pay the balance on the credit card statement? You, the employer! The size of your PPO network could be costing you more money than you think. Learn why in the video above.
About the Author
Mike Kroupa, Self-Funding Insurance Expert
I grew up in a house that was constantly under construction and the experience helped me uncover one of my passions, remodeling. After running a successful remodeling business with my brother during college, I decided I wanted to keep this as a hobby. Instead, I took my advisor’s recommendation and started down the actuarial path, which ultimately led me to insurance.
Since then, I have focused my career teaching employers how to better manage their health insurance plans. I found myself frustrated year after year of doing the same thing because it didn’t feel like I was making an impact. Healthcare costs were continuing to increase, and it felt like the only options employers were left with was increasing deductibles, increasing contributions, and switching carriers.
There was a turning point for me in 2020 as I found Health Rosetta, an ecosystem for scaling adoption of practical fixes to our health care system. As my clients started adopting these fixes, I found myself getting passionate about what I was doing for the first time. Then I realized my hobby of remodeling was driving the passion because I was remodeling health plans. Even better, I was having an impact because patients (employees, spouses and children) were getting the best care they ever have and saving a lot of money in the process.
Get in contact with Mike:
Phone: 630.738.1835 Email: LinkedIn: Mike Kroupa