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Municipal and Public Entity Insurance

Municipal and Public Entity Insurance

Cost effective risk management strategies for the public sector
We use our risk management expertise to limit the exposures of those who serve their communities

CGO knows that municipalities and public entities are confronted with the demanding challenges of providing important services to the public and the exposures that come along with it. We know how to effectively manage the costs of insurance and risks associated with the public sector.

We have risk management programs for:
  • Municipalities
  • Townships
  • Fire districts
  • Water and sewer districts
  • School districts
  • Park districts
We do more than just provide insurance for municipalities and public entities.

As part of our municipality and public entity risk management program, we offer a range of services to proactively manage your insurance related costs:

  • Review of policies and procedures – review and make recommendations to improve current programs and provide resources and materials to make these updates.
  • Employee education meetings – educate employees on the insurance program’s structure and the effects of claims on budgets.
  • Educational seminars – conducted with top industry experts to address topics most relevant to municipalities and public entities. We key on topics such as law enforcement liability, public official liability, workers’ compensation, HR, PEDA, and PSEBA.
  • Training and program monitoring – Through consistent, active involvement with our clients, CGO strives to continuously identify trends and assist in deploying resources to combat potential problems.

Coverage Offers

Some coverages for our Municipality and Public Entity Insurance Program include:
  • Property and casualty
  • General liability
  • Public officials liability
  • Fire legal liability
  • Law enforcement liability
  • Automobile
  • Workers’ compensation
  • Umbrella
  • Abuse and molestation coverage
  • Tax interruption coverage

Speak to a Municipality and Public Entity Risk Management Consultant