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Financial Wellness in the Workplace

Financial wellness is one of the hottest topics in the retirement space today. But why is financial wellness in the workplace so important?

Consider the following:

Why Financial Wellness Matters in the Workplace.png

Focusing on financial wellness can benefit your organization from both a benefits perspective and a cost-focused perspective. There's a lot of talk about financial wellness, and the truth is that it can mean different things to different people. But where employers are concerned, financial wellness in the workplace is now seen as an essential business element. Why? Because good things happen when employees have their finances under control: they are more engaged on the job, better able to save for retirement, less likely to switch jobs, and even physically healthier. Employers understand that workplaces function better when employees are financially fit. Providing employees with tools and techniques for managing financial stress can translate to a more productive workforce. And frankly, that's good for everybody.

If you'd like to learn more about financial wellness in the workplace, take a look at this webinar replay which provides a great overview on:

  • What is financial wellness?
  • Why should you care about it?
  • Is your company a good candidate for a financial wellness program?
  • Tools and resources that help you put financial wellness into action

View the webinar replay here.

Posted by Matthew Venhousen, Marketing Director at Connor & Gallagher OneSource

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