Tom Connor on Customer Service & Retention

I have often wondered if a client could hear the smile on a customer service rep's face over the phone. I know when I make contact with an upbeat, pleasant, informed person I feel like they are taking pleasure and receiving satisfaction in solving whatever issue I present to them. I’m of the opinion that your mood sets the pace for what a customer thinks of the organization you work for.

Success or failure is not measured at the close of a sale; instead, it is determined with every client contact after the fact. It is the demeanors with which we answer the phone, answer a question or solve a problem that makes an organization stand out in the crowd. So the moral to the story is to put the face on you would want the customer to “see” every time you pick up the phone and watch your retention soar! 

Tom Connor is a Founding Partner and one of three Principals at Connor & Gallagher.

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