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Illinois Transparency Act IDOL Guidance

The Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) has issued guidance ahead of the upcoming changes to the Equal Pay Act, which take effect 1/1/25. The amendments require employers with at least 15 employees to include expected wage ranges and benefits in job postings for positions performed in Illinois or reporting to an Illinois-based supervisor. Employers must also notify current employees of job postings within two weeks.

Key points from the IDOL's FAQ guidance include:

  • Employers are not required to post job openings, but if they do, the wage range and benefits must be included.
  • The law does not apply to general recruitment ads or positions with minimal Illinois work.
  • The posted wage range should reflect what the employer anticipates offering, not necessarily what is paid to the person hired.
  • Employers should avoid vague terms like “up to” or “starting at” when specifying wages.
  • Non-compliant job postings will result in escalating fines, with violations counted as one if the same problematic posting appears in multiple locations.

While the guidance addresses many questions, some areas, like the level of detail required for benefits, remain unclear. Employers should consult legal counsel to ensure compliance with the new rules.

Our team of HR experts is here to help you navigate these changes with confidence and keep your business running smoothly. If you're interested in working with our HR experts, please reach out to us at info@gocgo.com.

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